Swipe offers a new perspective on staff involvement in the training process.

The app's platform is based on over 20 years' experience of problem-solving trainings for our customers. Tracking the newest trends of mobile applications development, we built modern user interface. Swipe makes it possible to combine the effectiveness of distance learning for the business side with staff's satisfaction from the use of the app.

Dmitry Ismagoulov - Partner

Dmitry Ismagoulov

Alexander Koutas - Partner

Alexander Koutas

Oleg Chanov - Partner

Oleg Chanov


The idea of creating Swipe belongs to the partner consultants. We've been training business stakeholders for 20 years. So we see how training formats and people's thinking patterns change. Current changes in how people perceive and process data coupled with high level of expectations should be taken into account. To match these trends, we constantly develope new tools and methodologies. Swipe is one of them.

Swipe is not just a product, but the reflection of the Business Tools corporate identity. We are ready to promote it to other training and consulting companies, but it is important that they share our values and our ideas.

Want to know more about partnership? E-mail us: partners@swipelms.com